An exclusive interview with this year’s hottest new star

Saturday 28 July 2007

The theatre world has been a-buzz for weeks. Last Sunday saw the season’s most eagerly anticipated theatrical debut.

Andrew had been drafted in by another Andrew (No relation. He of The Arcades Project) to take part in a site-specific promenade performance kind of thing set in Shoreham, Kent as part of the MA he is doing at The RADA and King’s.

Phil (still a bit miffed by not being invited to participate) managed to catch up with Andrew the next day as he reclined on his chaise longue with a box of chocolates on his lap and surrounded by vases of flowers (which cost him a fortune) for an exclusive interview:

Phil: How are you feeling today?

Andrew: A bit tired but, oh, it’s like a dream. Everyone has been so kind.

Phil: It went well, then?

Andrew: That’s not really for me to say. I never read reviews.

Phil: There weren’t any reviews, were there?

Andrew: I don’t know. I don’t read them.

Phil: There weren’t. Why are you so tired?

Andrew: As an actor it’s your duty to give so much. It really does take it out of you.

Phil: And didn’t your role involve drinking real cider?

Andrew: Yes.

Phil: And eating cheese?

Andrew: Yes

Phil: How many lines did you have?

Andrew: I didn’t count them.

Phil: You didn’t have any, did you?

Andrew: It depends what you mean by “lines” I suppose.

Phil: Well, how many lines were written against your character’s name in the script?

Andrew: Ummm.

Phil: Did your character have a name?

Andrew: Not as such, no.

Phil: OK. How many lines were against the character “Everyone”?

Andrew: One.

Phil: And how did that go? I heard you missed your cue.

Andrew: Do you want to ask me about any other aspect of my performance?

Phil: No.

Anyhow, anyone who was anyone was there including Andrew’s second best friend – would-be whinger David (right) – whose character had the prestige of possessing a name and having lines.

Luminaries in the audience included playwright Ben Yeoh and presumably some examiners from The RADA who are probably even now debating how they can attract these exciting new talents into their midst.

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